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road bend;
speed limit;
intersection with a "Stop" or "Give way" road sign.
ECO predictive driving assistant
ECO predictive driving assistant
Depending on the vehicle, using subscription-based maps this function allows you to
adopt a more economical driving style.
When approaching a driving situation (roundabout, speed limit, etc.) the function
informs the driver, via an indicator displayed on the instrument panel, at which moment
to release the accelerator pedal.
If the driver takes this action it enables the vehicle to stop accelerating and to
limit the use of the brakes.
This enables a reduction in fuel consumption and wear of the brake pads and tyres.

From the "Vehicle" world, select the "Driving aids" menu, then "ECO predictive driving assistant".
The ECO predictive driving assistant is subscription-based.
To manage the subscription, please refer to the multimedia instructions.
Operating principle
When a driving situation is about to occur, the warning lights 1 are 2 displayed on the instrument panel.
The warning light 2 prompts the driver to release the accelerator pedal.
The warning light 1 shows the imminent driving situation.
When the driver releases the accelerator pedal, the warning light 2 disappears from the instrument panel. The warning light 1 remains displayed on the instrument panel until the situation occurs.
If the driver does not adjust their speed, the warning lights 1 and 2 remain displayed on the instrument panel until the situation occurs.
Driving situations

The following driving situations are detected:
The function is not able to detect the following:
- slopes (uphill or downhill);
- intersections without a "Stop" or "Give way" road sign;
- traffic jams.