The system detects speed limit signs on the side of the road and displays the speed limit on the instrument panel.
It mainly uses information taken from the camera 1, attached to the windscreen behind the rear view mirror.
Note: make sure the windscreen is not obscured (dirt, mud, snow, condensation etc.).
For vehicles which are equipped with it, the system also uses information from the navigation system.
Once the speed limiter is activated, you can adjust the speed limiter indication displayed by the system.
If the limit speed is exceeded, the display panel is modified to warn the driver.
For vehicles equipped with a navigation system and if the vehicle is travelling in a country where the speed units differ from those of the vehicle, the system displays the speed limit sign in the unit of the country, alongside the speed limit converted to the unit used by the vehicle’s instrument panel.
For countries where the speed limit is reduced during rainy weather on some types of roads, on vehicles equipped with a navigation system, the system can modify the limited speed after a few seconds of wiping the windscreen.
Special situations
The system does not take into account exceptional speed limit measures, such as peak pollution days.

Activating/deactivating the system
Vehicles fitted with a multimedia screen 2
To activate or deactivate the function, refer to the multimedia instructions.
Select “ON” or “OFF”.
With the function activated, depending on local regulations, you can activate the “Risk area display” option. The system will notify you of the distance separating you from this zone, and while you are travelling in the zone.
Vehicles not fitted with a multimedia screen
- With the vehicle stopped, press the switch 3 as many times as required to reach the “Vehicle” tab;
- press the 4 or 5 control repeatedly to reach the “Settings” menu and press 6 OK;
- press the 4 or 5 control repeatedly to reach the “DRIVING ASSIST” menu and press 6 OK;
- press the 4 or 5 control repeatedly to reach the “Speed alert” menu and press 6 OK;
- press the 6 OK switch to activate or deactivate the function:
= function activated
< function deactivated

Warning lights
The function displays the following warning lights:
7 Speed limit road signs.
8 Additional road signs (start or end of “No overtaking” zone, slip road speed limit, speed in case of a caravan, speed limit with length of application, etc.).
If the speed limit is exceeded, the circle around the panel flashes (7 warning light) along with a sound signal to warn the driver.

Varying the limit speed
If the speed limit notification differs from the detected speed value, press and hold the following switches:
- 9 (RES/+) to increase the notification speed to the detected speed;
- 10 (SET/-) to reduce the notification speed to the detected speed.
Operating faults
The system cannot detect the speed limit if:
- the windscreen is not clean;
- the camera is blinded by the sun;
- there is insufficient visibility (night, fog etc.);
- the signs are not legible (snow, etc.) or are hidden (by another vehicle or by trees);
- the information taken from the navigation system is not up to date.
This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle.
The driver should always adapt their speed to the traffic conditions, regardless of the system indications.
The system detects speed limit signs and does not detect other signs (e.g. entry/exit to/from urban areas, etc.).
The system may not detect all speed limit signs or may interpret them incorrectly.
The driver should not ignore signs that are not detected by the system and should, as a priority, comply with the traffic signage and the highway code.
In the event of poor visibility (fog, snow, frost, etc.), it is possible that the system may not indicate the correct speed to the driver.
The driver should always adapt their speed to the traffic conditions, regardless of the system indications.