In case of puncture
Depending on the vehicle, a tyre inflation kit (see the following pages) or self-repairing tyres may be available.
If the vehicle is parked on the hard shoulder, you must warn other road users of your vehicle’s presence with a warning triangle or with other devices as per the legislation applying to the country you are in.

Vehicles fitted with self-repairing tyres
These can be identified by a specific marking on the tyre sidewall A (for further information, please contact an Approved Dealer).
Vehicles fitted with self-repairing tyres can still be driven in the event of a puncture as the tyre is able to seal the punctured area.
However, in some cases (e.g. 6 mm diameter hole, puncture on the tyre sidewall) the tyre cannot repair itself, be repaired or reinflated. In this case it should be inspected by a specialist as soon as possible.