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There are two ways to unlock/lock the vehicle:
  • in "hands-free" mode, when approaching and moving away from the vehicle;
  • using the card in remote control mode.
Do not store the card anywhere it may come into contact with other electronic equipment (computer, phone etc.) as this could hinder its operation.

Deactivating/activating the "hands-free" mode

Depending on the vehicle, you can deactivate/activate unlocking when approaching and locking when moving away from the vehicle.
You can also deactivate/activate the sound signal that is emitted upon locking when moving away from the vehicle VEHICLE SETTINGS PERSONALISATION MENU.
Never leave your vehicle with the card inside.
Driver's responsibility when parking or stopping the vehicle
Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-sufficient alone in your vehicle, even for a short time.
They may pose a risk to themselves or to others by starting the engine, activating equipment such as the electric windows or locking the doors.
Also, in hot and/or sunny weather, please remember that the temperature inside the passenger compartment increases very quickly.

"Hands-free" unlocking when approaching the vehicle

With the card in the access zone 1, the vehicle will be unlocked.
The front handles are folded out and the hazard lights and side repeaters flash once to indicate that the doors have unlocked and, on some vehicles, the door mirrors fold out automatically.

"Hands-free" locking when moving away from the vehicle

With the card on you and the doors and luggage compartment door closed, move away from the vehicle: it will be locked automatically as soon as you leave the access zone 1. The front handles are folded in and the hazard lights flash twice then remain illuminated for about four seconds, then a beep sounds to indicate that the doors have locked and, on some vehicles, the door mirrors fold in automatically.
Note: the distance at which the vehicle locks depends on the surroundings.
If the card has been within the detection zone 1 for approximately 15 minutes, remote locking is deactivated. To lock the vehicle, press the button 3 on the card.
The vehicle cannot be remotely locked if the card is within the zone 2.

"Hands-free" unlocking by opening the luggage compartment

With the card in the zone 1 and the vehicle locked, press button 4 once to unlock the entire vehicle.
The front handles are folded out and the side indicator lights and hazard warning lights flash once to indicate that the doors have unlocked.

Special features of the unlocking system

Under certain circumstances, unlocking when approaching the vehicle is deactivated:
  • if the vehicle has not been used for eight days;
  • if the card remains close to vehicle zone 1 during approximately five minutes after the vehicle has been locked;
  • after several passes in the vicinity of zone 1without the doors having been unlocked.
Press the luggage compartment door opening button 4 or use the card as a remote control to unlock the vehicle and reactivate "hands-free" mode.

Special features relating to "hands-free" locking

After locking in "hands-free" mode, you have to wait approximately three seconds to be able to unlock the vehicle again. During these three seconds, the door handles can be tried to make sure that the vehicle is locked properly.
Note: if a door or the luggage compartment door is open or not properly shut, the vehicle will not be locked. A beep sounds but the hazard warning lights and side repeaters do not flash.

Using the card as a remote control

Unlocking with the card
Press the button 5.
The front handles are folded out and the side indicator lights and hazard warning lights flash once to indicate that the doors have unlocked.
The card buttons are deactivated when the engine is running.
Locking using the card
With the doors and luggage compartment door closed, press button 3: the vehicle will be locked.
The front handles fold in and the hazard lights and side repeaters flash twice to indicate that the doors have locked and, on some vehicles, the door mirrors fold in automatically.
Depending on the vehicle, press button 3 twice to lock the vehicle. Press and hold button 3 to close the front and rear windows.
  • the maximum distance at which the vehicle locks depends on the surroundings;
  • if a door or the boot is open or not properly shut, locking is not carried out. A beep sounds but the hazard warning lights and side repeaters do not flash.
While the engine is running, if the card is no longer in zone 2 after a door is opened and closed, the "Keycard Not Detected" message indicates that the card is no longer inside the vehicle. This will, for example, prevent you from driving away after dropping off a passenger who has kept the card on them.
The warning disappears when the card is detected again.

Locking/unlocking the boot only

Press button 6 to lock/unlock the luggage compartment only.
Driver's responsibility when parking or stopping the vehicle
Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-sufficient alone in your vehicle, even for a short time.
They may pose a risk to themselves or to others by starting the engine, activating equipment such as the electric windows or locking the doors.
Also, in hot and/or sunny weather, please remember that the temperature inside the passenger compartment increases very quickly.

Unlocking the charging cable

Press button 5 to unlock the vehicle charging cable.

Renault hands-free card