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Secondary '12V' battery
'230 volt' traction battery
Orange electrical power cables
Electric motor
Combustion engine
The hybrid vehicle system uses an electric motor to improve the performance of the combustion engine (acceleration, starting etc.).
The vehicle has more acceleration torque available while consuming less fuel.
The vehicle may also move in all-electric operating mode without any assistance from the combustion engine. The vehicle uses energy stored in the “230 V” traction battery.


The hybrid vehicle is equipped with two types of battery :
  • a 230 V traction battery ;
  • a secondary “12 V” battery.
“230 volt” traction battery
This battery, located underneath the rear floor, stores the energy required for the electric motor to operate correctly.
As with any battery, it discharges when it is used. The traction battery is charged :
  • during the vehicle deceleration phases ;
  • when the combustion engine starts automatically in order to act as a generator.
Your vehicle range in electric operating mode depends on the charge level of the traction battery, and also on your driving style and the components consuming energy (air conditioning, heating system etc.).
In the event of traction battery discharge, the combustion engine alone moves the vehicle until the traction battery is sufficiently recharged.
If your vehicle is parked for a long time, start the engine at regular intervals (about once a month) and check that the warning light is displayed in blue on the instrument panel.
If this happens, the battery needs to be recharged: leave the engine on until the warning light is displayed in blue. DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS
Failure to do so may result in damage to the traction battery and make it impossible to start the vehicle.
The vehicle's air conditioning system is used to cool the traction battery.
To preserve the lifetime of your traction battery, have your air conditioning system checked by a qualified professional. Especially if you notice a reduction in air conditioning performance.
Secondary “12 V” battery
The secondary “12 V” battery, located in the luggage compartment, supplies the energy required to open/close the vehicle and to operate the equipment.
Note : the secondary battery “12 Volts” does not participate when the engine is started. This is ensured by the hybrid system.
The electrical system of the hybrid vehicle uses direct voltage of approximately 230 V.
This system can get hot during and after switching off the ignition. Respect warning messages given on the labels in the vehicle.
All operations on or modifications to the “230 V” electrical system (components, cables, connectors, traction battery) are strictly prohibited due to the risks they present to your safety. Call an approved Dealer.
The risk of serious burns or electric shocks can lead to death.
The A symbol denotes the electrical elements of your vehicle which may present health risks.

“230 volt” electrical circuit

The 230 V electrical circuit is denoted by orange cables 6 and parts bearing the symbol.


The hybrid vehicles are particularly quiet in electric operating mode.
You will not yet necessarily be used to it, and neither will other road users. It is difficult for them to hear your vehicle when it is moving.
To warn people of your vehicle presence, your vehicle is fitted with a pedestrian horn. In electric operating mode, the system is activated automatically. The sound is triggered when the vehicle speed is between about 1 and 19 mph (1 and 30 km/h).
As the electric motor is silent, you will hear noises that may seem unusual (aerodynamic noises, tyres etc.) as well as noises due to the operation of the hybrid system (e.g. cooling of the traction battery).
Your hybrid vehicle is very quiet. When getting out of the vehicle, always check that the gear selector is in P position, apply the parking brake and switch off the ignition.