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Audible and visual signals
Audible and visual signals

Press the steering wheel boss A to sound the horn.
Headlight flasher
To flash the headlights, pull the stalk 1 towards you, then release.
Direction indicators
Move the stalk 1 in the same direction as you want to move the steering wheel.
One-touch mode
Briefly shift the stalk 1 upwards or downwards, not exceeding the point of resistance, then release it: the
stalk will return to its original position and the direction indicator light concerned
will flash three times.
Hazard warning lights

- Press switch 2 to activate all four direction indicator lights and side repeaters.
It must only be used in an emergency to warn drivers of other vehicles that you have
had to stop in an area where stopping is prohibited or unexpected, or that you are
obliged to drive under special conditions.